
Showing posts from December, 2020

Meet The Scammer in Instagram Using Photos of Doctor Steve G. Jones

 Have you been scammed or catfished? These is more for scam awareness. If you chat someone please search photos in the google to check it if it is real. Be vigilant and stay safe. Few years back until these days Catfish is now more modern in scam world. The most Catfisher platforn they used is in Instagram. There are lot of fake profile or fake accounts, behind most are scammers, most of them from Nigerian and Ghana. Seems these Catfish Romance scams is modern until these days. Meet the scammer. The Scammer chatted to a woman and showed up in the webcam. You thought handsome man in the pictures that really you've chatted but it isn`t, Catfish is a someone pretending to be someone they`re not, it is fake identity, assuming or imposter. Watch the Video meet the scammer a black man.

Scammers Targets

Catfish accounts, are fake accounts using photos of any attractive personnel to lure victims. The video we share here, was a chat of Scammer to a victim. The scammer using the photos of Captain Thomas Lindeegard Madsen, he is known in IG @captainthomas_official his accoun, his only one account no other account. Don`t talk anyone in social media or dating sites with the pictures of Captain Thomas it is sure its Fake, behind is a scammers with the goal earn money. THANKS to our brave follower for reporting this actions of Scammer. Follow us in Instagram @gentheblogger and subscribe us in youtube @catfishromancescams